Call Me 'Old School'

From a recent post by that I found on Twitter, "With This Startup, a Handwritten Thank You Note is a Click Away," a company based in New York City called Bond has machines that will generate handwritten thank you notes that can even be done in your own handwriting and stationary.

Apparently they have had quite a bit in sales but I prefer genuine acts of customer service and gratitude. A fellow blogger, The Dapper Diner, Tweeted in response, "why even bother sending one if you're not writing it yourself?! Crazy."

Besides reading 'Lessons in Service,' my business partner strongly encourages expressing thanks to everyone that has supported us in the opening of DW. When I took over as the Events Director, I started to do this and honestly have fallen behind with the events that have taken place in December. However, handwritten thank you notes will definitely be sent out. Call me old school but I personally enjoy receiving handwritten note cards from my friends, family and clients. I want my clients and customers to feel the exact same way I do when I get something personal in the mail. That person took the time to look for a pen and paper in this day of email and texts, write a thoughtful note, fold it, stuff it in an envelope, seal it with possibly their own saliva, place a stamp on it and walk it to the mailbox. All to solely express their gratitude. The only thing cooler would be if it arrived by raven. (Yes, I cannot wait for Game of Thrones to return.)

I personally haven't used the service and do not think I would unless it was for free. However, good luck to another small business. These are just my initial thoughts.

What are your thoughts?


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