Maui 2016 - Day 4

It was time to go home. I enjoyed my time in Maui and loved spending time with my father. I am definitely a Daddy's girl, to this day. I woke up, packed, had breakfast thanks again to my Stepmom and told them I was going to go to the beach before leaving. It's something I do to take a moment and take in one last time of where I am, appreciate that I have rested and think about where I am headed.

I walked along the beach and stopped right in front of the hotel restaurant was where we dined and stayed when my Lolo was alive. I vividly remember taking a group photo there with them and my four other cousins. It made me miss him even more. It also made me think that my father is 62 and we all are getting older. I don't like to think about it but I can hear the sadness my father has for losing his own father. I couldn't imagine it. Papa and I were both at Lolo's side when he took his last breath. Sitting there on that beach made me feel close to them both at the same time. And it's been years since I felt that way.

During that time, a golden lab was wandering the beach by himself, didn't have a tag and came and set next to me, so close that he was leaning up against me. I gave him some love for a bit. And then he was off. Dogs are so sensitive to your feelings. I think he knew I needed some care. Perhaps that was my Lolo's way of visiting and comforting me.

I sat on that beach thinking of all the discussions my father and I have had the past couple of days. Both of these men made a lot of sacrifices in their lives to give their families the lives they now lead. I made it a goal to not disappoint.

By 40, I will be in a comfortable position. I will be smarter with my money and my time and I will make my money work for me. I will also work hard, but I want to work smarter. I will be taking small steps to learning more about the economy, business, stocks, options and real estate. Papa is willing to guide me. A sign of that success will be me owning property in Hawaii by the time I am 40 years old. I have definitely narrowed down the location to Maui recently after a Labor Day Weekend trip to Oahu. I am in love with Maui. So, wish me luck.

I have never been a fan of saying goodbye to my father. When he used to drop me off after having my sister and I for the weekend, I would just cry my eyes out. This time, I had my sunglasses on and tried to hide my eyes that were watering. He was headed to the mainland the next day so I could see him soon if I wanted to. But still. I hate saying goodbye to him. But I did, hopefully without him knowing I was still a big baby that loves her Papa so much.

The car was dropped off at Dollar, I checked in my bag and grabbed some grub at Sammy's. I remember having one last island cocktail with my cousin Shanti at the bar 10 years ago there, and had dined there a few times before traveling between islands. I didn't have Spam all weekend so I went with the Kama'aina Breakfast, your traditional two eggs, toast and choice of meat kind of breakfast. Spam it is! I grew up on that so I am not ashamed to eat what some people call 'Mystery Meat.' I don't care what it is. I like it. I just forgot to tell them to cook it well. Oh well. 

The plane ride was direct and they fed us lunch, a ginger chicken with rice and a three bean side dish. I don't typically like ginger but I ate all of that main dish. Not so much of the bean or cookie. Thanks, Hawaiian Airlines for the food. Mahalo!

From the airport, I rushed over to work the annual dinner I have been working since 2009 at Fantasy Junction in Emeryville, California. I made it just in time for the speeches. And so it was back to reality, One Busy Bee.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Click on the Travel label to the right for other travel-related posts. 


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