Fourth of July 2016

Happy birthday, America!

I will have my 10-year-old nephew for the day. He's getting so big and so smart. I have to take him board short shopping as he'll be going to Hawaii next week. I'm just a tad LOT jealous! 

After that, we'll be taking Bart to San Francisco and go to The Exploratorium. He loves Minecraft and his parents own a machine shop company in Pittsburg, California. I think he'll find it interesting. I haven't been in over two years when I took my staff at the law firm for our holiday outing. Then we'll watch fireworks at Pier 39.

I'm looking forward to taking this small town boy to the big city. He and I haven't had a day out together in a long time. I love that it doesn't take him too long to warm up to me after I arrive and I can see what a nice, funny, intelligent young man he's becoming. I didn't see him as much this past year with the opening of DW. I have to do a better job of making him know that I love him and think about him often, no matter where I am and what I'm doing. I hope we will always have this bond.

He looks like his daddy here with that Snapchat 'bappletree' filter.

It's scary how quickly he's growing. 

Happiness is being an auntie.


Jamba Juice and board shorts were picked up at Old Navy and then we got on Bart to head to San Francisco. He thinks it was his first Bart ride.

We arrived at The Exploratorium and he played with many things but liked the glowing bacteria.

We met up with Tata and Papi for lunch at Fog City Diner (separate post soon!) and walked along The Embarcadero with them until our Bart stop.

Green on Green.

Instead of waiting for fireworks at Pier 39 at 9:30 PM, I decided to head back to the east bay and beat the rush and watch the show in Antioch, California. We were REALLY early. But the show was pretty amazing and well worth it. Brent is under there.

Killing time on SnapChat 'bappletree'

The fireworks were so close and right above us! Well done, Antioch. We were impressed.


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