Pineapple Grill - Maui, Hawaii

Long gone is the Pineapple Bar & Grill restaurant that I once worked at in Fremont, California many moons ago. Lately, the Pineapple Bar& Grill I have visited is on the beautiful island of Maui. My Papa Bear and stepmom have a hard life of waking in paradise, having their siestas and going to happy hour almost on the daily. This is one of their favorite places.

Though not a golfer, Papa Bear loves being on a golf course. Whether it was at his house in Brentwood, California (Northern California) with the greens as his backyard or on the patio of this restaurant overlooking the fairway and condos in the distance. Sorry, no water view there unless you turn your head into the restaurant and look at a window clear across the restaurant. This was the second time I’ve been here. It has never been busy, there’s plenty of parking and the food is good. At half off for all appetizers, you can’t go wrong. We ordered one of each. Why not? It’s a working vacation. I too live a hard life.

A tower of regular and sweet potato fries in a silver tin, calamari sticks, fried artichokes, my Papa Bear’s request of Buffalo wings and my favorite, coconut prawns arrived. Along with margaritas and a beer for my stepmom. The wings had a lot of flavor but the prawns stole the show. They were on skewers stuck into a delicious thick cut of pineapple.

Expect friendly service and the AC blasting if you decide to dine in their restaurant. One day I’ll have to try their other menu items, and/or go for a round of golf. But that will probably be a bit. I’ll be at the bar if you need me. How do you like dem apples?


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