
It's the number equivalent to running 5+ half marathons. I have slacked a bit of blogging about my Team in Training efforts. It's been a bit busy for this One Busy Bee, but I have not NOT ran. I am scheduled to run a half marathon benefiting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in January 2019 at Walt Disney World (book your trip with me! Now a Certified Disney Travel Agent.) I have recruited my friend, Nelly, to join me and he's doing great. I am doing alright as well.

The farthest I have ran so far in one attempt is 10 miles. Those runs consist of running from the Argonaut Hotel where I work to Fort Point, a couple of laps around the Marina Green and/or Fort Mason, the Aquatic Park Pier and back to the hotel. I have learned that I hate running in the sun, need a breeze to keep me from overheating and I also want to be a better driver and make sure I look to my right for pedestrians and runners.  I have had many encounters with drivers not being aware of their surroundings in all directions if I run in a city. I have no body armor, Folks. Please don't injure me as I am trying to do good and raise funds for a people with leukemia and lymphoma like my dear, sweet Lolo.

SnapChat: bappletree - Always wanting to be in Hawaii.

Other successes I have had was running with my dear friend and Bride of mine, Nikki. We ran just a little over 2.5 miles this past weekend along the Alameda shoreline. Though a much shorter run than usual, she challenged me at trying to keep a conversation going, at lease for the first 1.5 miles. When I ran my first 8 miles ever with Nelly, I could not keep up a convo. I need music and scenery to distract me.


It was too bright to take this pic post run.
San Francisco skyline and Alameda port

Alameda Marina
Another success was being able to shave off a whole minute off my average mile when I ran 4 miles AND not get hit by a car near an on ramp. Nor did I reward myself with a donut from Tommy's Donuts where this particular run ended.
Thanks, RunKeeper

Though I have five months to train and go that extra 5K, I am next going to buy a handheld water bottle as I have been quite dehydrated one run and I seem to cap out on energy by mile 8. I hear there are gummies or 'goo' that you take to keep you going. I was hoping to pick up some samples at this past weekend's San Jose Fit Expo but that will be another post.

Besides actually reaching 13.1 miles, I have only reach 26% of my fundraising goal. If you could please support me in my efforts, I would appreciate it! Please sponsor me in any amount with your tax-deductible donation at http://bit.ly/OrlandoBoundforLolo


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