The hashtag comes from Fit & Thick and the beautiful Nicole Mejia that I follow on Instagram. I use it when I'm feeling motivated and determined. Let's be real, this #250KChallenge thru Bodybuilding.com isn't going so well with one week left but I'm trying. I have had successes, a poor diet with lots of whiskey but I have managed to still work out at least five days a week. Not bad. I just wish the progress was noticeable. I write this after reading a part of the Spring 2017 issue of On Investing from Charles Schwab late last night. Friday night party animal, right here!
Two headers caught my attention that I shared via Snapchat (bappletree) and my Instagram Story.
"On my late night date with Chuck (reading Charles Schwab on #Investing mag, that is) after prepping to do my taxes, I thought I'd share this. I have/had so many students on my staff and those not so great with money. I would liek to say I have encouraged many to start somewhere no matter how small. For instance, I suggested stop buying their daily $5 +Starbucks Coffee and put that money aside in savings and/or invest it. You're really not going to miss $5. Green tea is better for you anyways. :) For em, I want to continue to the live a certain lifestyle, have my #goalby40 that I'm working on and always hustlin' doin' what millionaires do: have at least seven streams of income. I'm downsizing in unnecessary physical stuff (thx +Close5, +Poshmark), earning savings by doing next to nothing via #tech (mPlaces, +Shopkick) and taking advantage of #free tickets and opportunities for new, fun experiences as much as I can. Need help? I am no financial advisor but I'll do what I can! Seems like a great #blog post to write. Stay tuned!"
4) Free stuff - I went to two comedy shows this week for free. When the opportunity presents themselves, take it! My girlfriend had an extra ticket to see Bill Burr in San Jose. Yes! Ticketmaster also sent out an email giving away two tickets to see Erin Foley at the Punch Line Comedy Club in San Francisco. I submitted a request and I was chosen. See autographed CD by Erin and the Punch Line also reposted my Instagram image to their 4,660 followers. Free exposure! Yes!
Contests - it takes two seconds to enter contests. I play the Safeway Monopoly game and have already won free bread, an avocado, yogurt (hello! Who doesn't love free food!) And a $5 Fandango discount I used for this Sunday to see the new Beauty and the Beast movie with Court Court.
I have won a trip to the Grammy's in Los Angeles, movie and concert tickets, DVD, CDs and more. I hope to win another trip soon.
Two headers caught my attention that I shared via Snapchat (bappletree) and my Instagram Story.
"Start saving and investing today."

I posted the above Instagram with caption:
"On my late night date with Chuck (reading Charles Schwab on #Investing mag, that is) after prepping to do my taxes, I thought I'd share this. I have/had so many students on my staff and those not so great with money. I would liek to say I have encouraged many to start somewhere no matter how small. For instance, I suggested stop buying their daily $5 +Starbucks Coffee and put that money aside in savings and/or invest it. You're really not going to miss $5. Green tea is better for you anyways. :) For em, I want to continue to the live a certain lifestyle, have my #goalby40 that I'm working on and always hustlin' doin' what millionaires do: have at least seven streams of income. I'm downsizing in unnecessary physical stuff (thx +Close5, +Poshmark), earning savings by doing next to nothing via #tech (mPlaces, +Shopkick) and taking advantage of #free tickets and opportunities for new, fun experiences as much as I can. Need help? I am no financial advisor but I'll do what I can! Seems like a great #blog post to write. Stay tuned!"
And so the blog post is up.
See the disclaimer? I am definitely no financial advisor. I am making an attempt to get familiar with the different ways to invest, the terminolgy and understand the tax implications with certain decisions and what's best to reach my goals. My father is my financial advisor and he does pretty well for myself. He's living the life I want. As the independent woman he has encouraged me to be, I eventually want to make smart decisions about my money on my own in terms of my investments. With the ridiculous raising cost of healthcare and the money I would need for my retirement, I feel I am well behind.
However, I can say I am ahead of the game of some people I know. I was young once too and was terrible with money. I had multiple credit cards and didn't feel like I could get ahead. However, at the time, I also had my first big girl job with benefits and started my first 401K. I started at 19 years old. Seventeen years later, the funds have increased however had I saved more, I would have had a lot more by now. "Start saving and investing today."
Do you know what your net worth is? I have calculated my value and I want that number up! How do I plan to do that?
1) Seven streams of income - keep these going, improve my businesses, make my numbers and grow, Baby, grow! Advertise on my blog!
2) Save - I have an amount automatically taken out of my checking account and dumped into an investment on a monthly basis. I also have a minimum for my savings account to be at and each time it is reached, the original minimum increases. Eventually I will take that excess and reinvest it.
3) Minimize - as I get older, I am finding that I don't need stuff. I solely desire shoes more than anything if I do buy something materialistic. I have splurged in Milan, Italy with my first Gucci and Georgio Armani purses and I now have no need for anything that costly. I can't remember the last time I purchased a pair of shoes. I value experiences more than anything nowadays. I love to travel. I want to try new restaurants, unique cocktails. When wanting to celebrate love or special people in my life, I would rather give them experiences as well.
I am trying to minimize by selling fashions on +Poshmark (onebusybeebolog - use invite code UPSCY for $5 credit after your first purchase) and have even sold my first item in two days, which were a pair of Grace in LA jeans that I didn't even buy for myself. I am selling dresses, shoes and retired Stella & Dot jewelry for cheap. After all, these items are just sitting around, not being used. I might as well get something for it! I also have items listed on Close5.

4) Free stuff - I went to two comedy shows this week for free. When the opportunity presents themselves, take it! My girlfriend had an extra ticket to see Bill Burr in San Jose. Yes! Ticketmaster also sent out an email giving away two tickets to see Erin Foley at the Punch Line Comedy Club in San Francisco. I submitted a request and I was chosen. See autographed CD by Erin and the Punch Line also reposted my Instagram image to their 4,660 followers. Free exposure! Yes!

Contests - it takes two seconds to enter contests. I play the Safeway Monopoly game and have already won free bread, an avocado, yogurt (hello! Who doesn't love free food!) And a $5 Fandango discount I used for this Sunday to see the new Beauty and the Beast movie with Court Court.
I have won a trip to the Grammy's in Los Angeles, movie and concert tickets, DVD, CDs and more. I hope to win another trip soon.
Then there's tech - I just redeemed my first $25 Amazon gift card by getting 62,500 coins via mPlaces. I have earned numerous Target gift cards as well but am a recent lover of Amazon because I don't have time to go do errands for everyday necessities. I purchased Bevo's Iams dog food and two Oil of Olay lotions that Target sometimes doesn't have. With mPlaces, you also earn entries to win other gift cards and random goodies like wireless speakers, drones, make-up and jewelry.
Don't forget about Shopkick. Unfortunately they got rid of their Hilton reward gift card. That would have helped with additional travel. I did use my last earned Hilton gift card when we went to New Orleans in 2015. I guess I will just continue earn towards another Amazon gift card.
Both of these apps are explained more in my '5 Apps I Use Before Getting Out of Bed' post. Check it out.
I can't forget about my Hawaiian Airlines card to free airfare. Yes, please! I put everything on that card, use the site to get bonus miles when booking other travel and when my friends that love to pay in cash, I will gladly get the points and take your dolla dolla bills. Please and thank you!
I hope this post encourages you to start saving, investing and preparing financially for your future, as well as the future of your loved ones. Good luck!
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