#250KChallenge - Week 9

Oh, dear, this was the week that ended up in Las Vegas for a girls' weekend (separate post to follow) and seems so long ago now that I am in week 11 as I write this.

Monday - it was a full day as my Sunshine took the day off. So no work out that day. The week was full of hitting the weights at home and a lot of core work with The Beeves. He encourages me with kisses and bringing me his toys.

Eating right was needed. I absolutely love fruit. DW doesn't have much fruit besides the grapes that come on our charcuterie platters so I go next door to The Market and pay astronomical prices by ounce just to get my fruit fix on almost a daily basis. Thank goodness I get a 10% discount as a Market Square partner and my credit card is registered with the Thanx app which gives me $10 for which seems for every $1,000 I spend at The Market. But I also get Hawaiian miles for every dollar I spend. I do get something back but good heavens! On average, I spend $10-$12 on fruit each time I go there. I need to talk about my Chef about having more healthy items for a girl on a fitness mission. 

Bevo makes another appearance, this time focused on a bone that has lasted well over a year. He thinks my yoga mat is a placemat.

Then Friday, it was time to be on vacation! Courtney and I started at DW. Our 9:45 pm Southwest flight was delayed almost two hours because of the rain. Good thing we were headed to a warmer spot. 

We got into Vegas at about midnight and it was drizzling but we were ready to go out! We were headed to Coyote Ugly from our room at The Palazzo. Though you can't see my back very well, I have been obsessed with working on my back with lats for days and rows and flyes. I still have a lot of work to do but I felt confident in wearing this top I bought in Kusadasi, Turkey in 2012. I remember flirting with a cutie that sold me this and a knock off white Adidas jacket that I still have but the zipper has broken off since then. We were also Facebook friends but he must've fallen off when I couldn't get him the latest iPhone. Haha, such a peddler.

We got in at 6 am and went to bed. I got up at 10 am and needed at least 30 minutes at the gym before I met up with my girlfriend, Sarah, and meet her adorable baby boy. I didn't think Courtney would want to go but I was almost ready to walk out the door but she jumped right up to join me. Oh, to be 25 again.

Vacation means a bottle of champagne, fruit topped waffles and a veggie and bacon omelette for breakfast and wonderful company. Look at those beauties. So wonderful to be able to call her my friend. You wouldn't think that I'd be playing with an infant on this party weekend but I had a great time tossing Bradford up and making him smile.

The day, hell, the whole weekend was filled with booze and decisions with no regrets. Here we are headed out to our table at XS. What a good looking squad, right?

After 2.5 hours of sleep, I was looking forward to relaxing at the pool at Wet Republic. You are not allowed to sleep there, FYI. Bring some dark sunglasses to try to help with that. Wearing my new hat, Prada sunglasses, Stella & Dot jewelry of course and bikini by Hot Miami Styles. All the ladies that worked at Wet Republic has amazing bodies. I got complimented on my bathing suit. Yay! 

The night was followed by dinner at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant and my second time going to The Thunder from Down Under show where Courtney got pulled up on stage. She loved it. We each paid $20 to get this group photo. My roommate Will said I need to work on my pose with these hunky men. I asked him to carry me and I didn't have a chance to repose. It just looks like I'm a Stage 5 Clinger. 

Then it was time to catch a 6:20 am flight home and I went home with this guy! 

It was a long week with very little sleep but it was so much fun!

Week 10 was not that exciting...


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