OBB Weekly - 2-26-19

Speeches from The Academy Awards last night were filled with inspiration. Lady Gaga called out to fight for a dream, Spike Lee's urge "to make the moral choice between love versus hate," and Rami Malek says "part of my story is being written right now." These Oscar winners faced challenge, rejection and overcame. They deserve to be rewarded for their hard work. What do you deserve?

I have seen several articles online of Californians not taking advantage of their earned PTO (paid time off). They are looking to get ahead, they do not want to be seen as someone that doesn't make their work a priority and they fear being replaced. If you can work for yourself or find an employer with an unlimited vacation policy, take it! If you are a hard worker and get the job done, you deserve it. If you're like me, you'll be checking your emails anyways en route or maybe a few times while you are at a beautiful resort in Fiji. This particular resort has very limited wi-fi to help you focus on what's important during your stay - relaxation and to reconnect with your family and loved ones without technology. The benefits you will gain while on vacation will make you a better employee. Employers should encourage it and you deserve it.

"Californians among the worst the worst in the nation as using paid vacation time." (Sacramento Bee, January 22, 2019)
"Five Reasons Why Travel is Good for Your Mental Health." (Forbes, January 22, 2018)

Speaking of vacation, I have dealt with many clients and guests on holiday. At the Concierge desk in San Francisco at the wonderful Argonaut Hotel, I have memories of wonderful and friendly guests. I have connected with people via social media because we enjoyed our brief time together. One of my favorite guests is a little girl named Lucy that came to see me with her father at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. I helped them with some advice getting around the city and I spoke to her, asked her questions and shared some laugh.  Her father later told me that she said, "I found a new friend, Dad!" We exchanged numbers and she has FaceTimed with me and exchanged a few messages. It warmed my heart. I should actually reach out.

Then there are times when the high and mighty check in and they literally throw a couple dollars in front of you to 'just take care of it.' I am terribly sorry that these people did not properly prepare to get things accomplished and expect others to do it at the drop of a hat or two dollar bills. Please do not be this kind of person. You deserve the respect as a service work and especially just as a person.

7 Ways to Get the Respect You Deserve. (Power of Positivity)

I have had Brides that do not like attention. Unfortunately, my dear, you will be the center of attention. For one day, I think my Brides have handled it very well. After all, it is their day. The Bride is the focus. Though the Groom can be a handsome prince, there isn't a publication out called Groom. Guests want to see the gown, the jewelry, the make up, hair style and flowers. When will you ever get to wear that beautiful gown again? I do recommend having some fun with the dress and get in the water on Kauai to trash your wedding dress. This photo shoot would be about you so enjoy it! You deserve to have a day when it's just about you and your groom and to celebrate being done with all that wedding planning. Trust me, I know.  Let me help you plan yours.

Millennial Brides Want Their Bridesmaids to Where White as a Concept of "being upstaged" is Dying Out. (The Telegraph, October 18, 2018)

Three and a half pounds later and only hitting the gym once last week, I have returned from Chicago and New York. I ate things I typically do not eat - gourmet popcorn from Garrett's, fried chicken sandwiches from SmashBurger and sour straws for breakfast from the newsstand, etc. I was traveling for a week and there were very long days at the customer site. I felt I deserved to indulge. When you work hard and have been trying to stay on your fitness game, you deserve a break sometimes.

I would suggest a break consisting of a Tavern Coffee at Tavern on the Green in New York City, the S'Mores Dessert at Union Square Cafe and wine by the talented Sommelier, Thom Talone, at Il Buco Alimentari. Calories can be burned, fat turned into muscle. Restaurant offerings provided by industry talent should not be overlooked.You deserve amazing and flavorful food. Indulging once in a while can actually help you get back on track if you feel guilty. The below article from the Independent says to "switch your focus to the positive steps you've taken and what you have achieved." Go ahead, get those Baked by Melissa treats at the JFK Airport on the way home. And be sure to bring your awesome roommate some too! Other people work hard and deserve a treat as well. Spread the love!

My Roommate's portion

My portion

How Not to Feel Guilty After Indulging in Food or Skipping a Gym Session (Independent, October 25, 2017)
Cheat Days May Actually Help Dieters Lose Weight, Study Finds. (ABC News, September 21, 2017)

Friends and family laugh at me for loving Twitter. I enjoy it. It's a great quick way to confirm whether or not that was an earthquake or see what's trending in the area. But check out the article below on how Actor, Patton Oswalt, responded to some hateful tweets from a troll. As mentioned before, I have received "Anonymous" comments from a reader/Twitter follower about their opinion of me on my blog. I responded with as much respect as I could and decided not to be hateful, but playful. I remember my ex-father-in-law saying in his Portuguese accent, "Opinions are likes assholes, everyone has one." Don't feed their anger. Respect their opinions as the bigger person and don't let them ruin your day. You deserve to be happy. Do what makes you happy. Go be awesome! Give someone a compliment. Hold the door open for someone that wouldn't say thank you. Tip a service worker having a bad day. And by the way, you have a nice butt. Maybe your actions will humble people like Mr. Michael Beatty.

Anger Can Be Contagious - Here's How To Stop the Spread. (NPR, February 25, 2019)
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  1. Hello! Anonymous aka hateful internet troll, here! I heard you wrote about me, so I had to come and see what the hoopla was about.

    Well, in the previous post, you posted about how you're blunt and give it to people straight. I was giving you some feedback about your blog, mentioning that you should review your blogs to correct your grammar and spelling. Case in point, the 2nd sentence in the first paragraph, "...Rami Malek says "par of my story is being written right now."". I assume you wanted to write, "parT of my story is being...". Now, when I provided feedback, I didn't name call, didn't cuss, etc... I was quite respectful.

    I want to point out the hypocrisy, since it's not crystal clear to you. This is directly from your previous blog, "I respect people that can be completely honest with me even though the truth may hurt me.". How about you practice what you preach and try to learn from your mistakes, instead of ignoring feedback. How do you improve your blog or yourself if you're willing to take feedback and criticism?

    I won't even go into your humble bragging about not using a guy to buy you expensive shoes. Is that the really kind of person you want to be?

    Contrary to what you believe, I'm actually a very happy person. I live a very lavish life, that my hard work has afforded me. However, when I see other people not be honest with themselves, who fake it until they make it, I like to give them a reality check. You seem like you're really unhappy and not actually dealing with the actual issue that you're not all the things you post about. It's ok that you're not a girl boss, or supportive of other women, or a success in any one thing. I'd rather you blog about that, your failures, instead of your fake successes; that would be more refreshing than these fake blog posts.

    Good luck!

    - Happy-go-lucky anonymous troll

    1. *How do you improve your blog or yourself if you're NOT willing to take feedback and criticism?*

    2. Hey, thanks for the feedback and visiting again. I am a constant work in progress and am no way saying I'm perfect, because clearly I am not. You are fully aware of that. I have read your comments and have taken them into consideration. I have actually attempted to prevent run on sentences and declared I am no writer, etc. But frankly, this blog is more for me than for anyone else. Your judgments and comments about my character are fine. You are entitled to your opinion. I choose not to retaliate because it's a waste of energy that I choose to spend on other things. You once said you were going to unfollow and now you wish me luck. I again offer you the same well wishes and the best life with tons of shoes and happiness, whatever that may be.

    3. If this blog is more for you, then why are you constantly promoting your advertising rates for your blog and across your social media? You can't even be honest with yourself.

      Additionally, if you are taking the advice I gave you, then why would you reference me as an internet troll (in this post) AND call me a hater across your social media. Someone told me that you posted about your hater on FB and Twitter. Again, I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy.

      You really need to stop being fake and be honest with yourself and your audience. Everyone sees right through it.


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