
It has been quite a year with a lot to reflect on. Now that the craziness of holiday parties are done for the month at DW, I have a second to breathe and think about, but more importantly write down, my goals for 2016. I just updated my post for 2015's goals. I could have done better but that's where 2016 comes into play: a time to make up or do it better this time around. So let me take a stab at this list....

1) Travel internationally
Since 2012, I have been able to make this happen. Nikki B. has inspired me to do this with her travels to Central & South America to improve her Spanish. I want to go back to Europe. I miss Italy. I want to stay on the Amalfi Coast and look out at the ocean from my balcony every morning. I want to drink wine again in Tuscany. I want to shop in Milan. I want to be in love in Verona. 
Bordeaux would be my second choice. 

UPDATE 11/26/16 - I went back to Italy in October 2016. I did shop in Milan and I had wine in Florence.

2) Hike once a month
Loving exploring my own backyard, taking in some fresh air, getting some exercise and catching up with good friends with gorgeous views, nature and a beer afterwards.

UPDATE 11/26/16 - Eek. I hiked three times this year in Pacifica, Bodega Bay and Tilden Park in Berkeley for a good cause with GirlVentures!

3) Continue with the fitness challenges
I'm finding it keeps me motivated and I want my body to look a certain way and feel confident. 

UPDATE 11/26/16 - Did four - #250KChallenge, #MyNextLevel, #MyFitSquad and will start #30DaysofFit on December 1st. Thanks, Bodybuilding.com!

4) Find a balance and adjust as necessary
I have been working my tail off. I have put  all of my eggs into one basket and this year I had a scare that I physically couldn't control. I bury myself in work not only because I'm obsessive of not failing but it covers up thinking about and feeling what I'm lacking. So, when an opportunity presents itself to me that makes me happy, damn right I'm going to make it work.
UPDATE 11/26/16  - Dating blows. The only one I actually liked moved away due to his job. And the rest were not for me. I am looking forward to tomorrow's date. We'll see how that goes.

5) Family
Lolo passed almost three years ago. I remember his face as I walked into hospital room when he recognized me that last evening. Eyes wide and eyebrows up. I remember having to step out of the room to not let him see me cry. I remember positing my bed consisting of two hospital chairs next to his so I can hold his hand thru the night. He'd squeeze it every so often. I remember the grimace he made before he took his last breath. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about him or go anywhere without his wedding ring on me somehow. Now, Lola has had a successful surgery and is in a rehab facility. I visited Christy's dad in a facility early last year before he passed. It all just seems too soon.

I need to see my family. I haven't seen Brent in 6 months. I haven't seen Emma I about the same. It's been longer periods of time in between of seeing my Little Loves, Nate & Arya. 

DW will be open for 6 months as of December 26th.  It's time to get back to making time for my family. One day, I'd still want one of my own. I wonder if I'll have that opportunity. For now, that snoring Boston Terrier at my feet is what I come home to.

UPDATE 11/26/16 - I still haven't seen Emma and that makes me sad. I am trying to schedule a date with her mom so I can see her. Brent will be moving to North Carolina next year. He's actually sleeping over tonight. And I see Arya and Nate the most. I met Alexander this year and have only seen him once. The same goes for Thea. Auntie of the Year? Need to improve there.
6) Specialty
I know a little about a lot of things but I wouldn't say I'm an expert in anything. I'm good at Event Planning. I love advertising and marketing and social media. I have a new love for fitness. It's easy to make new friends but I feel I'm lacking in being confident in any one topic for discussions. I don't have a strong opinion on politics or current events and sometimes I'm so exhausted with work that I don't want to debate on something I'm not passionate about. 

I have been presented with another opportunity but it requires me to focus on something I should already know an immense amount about, a specialty, and it's not events focused. I should but how do I find the time? I don't want it as much as I want something else but I might just move in that direction until things are put in motion. Sounds a bit half ass, doesn't it? Regardless, it will be beneficial to me either way. Will it be my specialty? If not, I should find one.

UPDATE 11/26/16 - I signed up to be a Certified Event Planner through an online training program. I didn't start it. I did finish Whisk(e)y Distilled and started The Beer Wench's book. Lately I have been reading a lot of articles while at the gym on my phone and tweeting them with my thoughts.
7) Money
I have been reading my Charles Schwab investing publications, being motivated by Entrepreneur magazine articles and am wanting to know how to make my money work for me. I have a Financial Advisor that I trust and want to grow my assets. I have been enjoying not stressing about my personal finances but I want to do something and be a part of something bigger than what I have. Figuring out what that is, I don't know. I should catch up on retirement and savings and I would love property in San Francisco. Notice how this is last on my list. I recently said that I hate money. Which is true. In my experience, it brings out the worst in people. I want to do something with my money that makes people better. Perhaps it's exploring being part of a non-profit. With DW's Women Wednesdays, we always tie in a local non-profit. Maybe I already started down this road somehow. Let's see how this financial goal of mine ends up in 2016.

UPDATE 11/26/16 - No other thoughts have gone into forming a non-profit but I am getting exposed to more of them. I will be helping a friend with his next business that is food and beverage related. And from my last trip to Maui, I have set a goal by 40 to have property there. It's in the works.

At 1:24 am, I think this is a decent list. To 2016!


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