
Among the four weddings on my plate, working on call at the Hyatt for their banquets department, I am also a Wag! walker. I initially wanted to be a Veterinarian when I was researching potential careers when I was a Freshman at Clayton Valley High School in Concord, California. I obviously did not go in that direction but have always had a love for animals. In between jobs, I found a job walking a dog named Tahoe three days a week via Craigslist. While working at the law firm in Emeryville, I walked four dogs several times during the week that lived in the same building. I was always One Busy Bee.

Now, I am in my first month as a Dog Walker for Wag!, which is basically an Uber app for dog owners needing dog walkers. While working very long days for my restaurant in San Francisco, there would be some nights I'd have to call my roommate to take Bevo, my Boston Terrier, out. Once or twice, I've used Wag! Now, I am a Walker and have made decent money for 30 or 60 minutes with adorable animals like these guys.

I have walked parts of neighborhoods I would never have done otherwise. See the below list of places I have walked dogs. It's also great for what I do in terms of traveling. I would also like to share this information with local real estate agents. I see what kind of people live in the neighborhoods, how well they keep their yards, where the nearby schools and parks are located and sadly, even where the homeless hang out, where dogs are kept in cars on the street and for the local police, which stop signs get ran the most.

San Leandro
San Ramon

Wag! also provides sitters and boarders. I have only been a sitter for dogs and have always requested their Wi-Fi so I can work on my weddings or market myself as a Travel Agent. I unfortunately cannot board dogs as I have a dog of my own and we cannot have them co-habitate as it may not be safe to do so. However, sitting is great. I would hang out with the dog, make money as I am working on my own business. It's really easy money.

Please use my code and sign up your dog for walk, sitting or boarding - BERNADETTE9307. The Hayward area doesn't have too many users. Please share this information with any of your dog owner friends! Wag! does a background check on all Walkers, is insured and I have a 5-star rating with 30 walks logged so far and lovely comments from my clients.  It has already paid off my cruise to Mexico at the end of the year. Book yours HERE with me!


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