Trust & Business

Trust and business - seem to go hand in hand, right? When you go into business with friends and family, you would think the partnership would be much more secure. I have received many different view points on this, one of which is a family member and other are two successful businessmen that have known me for over 10 years. These discussions take place over drinks.

Except the one with my father. I had the Sapporo earlier at my Lola's dinner. My father is my financial adviser and one of the only men I can truly trust. It was a difficult discussion of something I am ashamed to speak of: failure, even at the age of 36. I still do not want to disappoint my father. Instead, he understood my actions and gave me some great advice.

The second person I turned to was someone I have known for about 10 years and is a successful businessman involved in many different kinds of businesses. I have been trusted with his social gatherings, property, family and money. I would never jeopardize the trust he has in me. Now came a time when I asked him for his help. We met up at Mourad for drinks and I had the octopus. It was delicious. I explained the situation, he gave me advice, tips and possible next steps.

The third person I turned to has known me since I was 19, almost 18 years! He is also a very successful businessman and is a good friend. We met up in Pleasanton at McKay's Taphouse and Beer Garden for beer and Baci for champagne. At first he had a different direction for me than my father and other friend, then he said he agreed I was making the right decision.

And there's the consensus. When making big decisions, try to keep your emotions in check and seek advice from those you trust, know you well and have your best interest in mind. And a good cocktail or pint of beer can't hurt either. Good luck!


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