Prince William & Kate Middleton - April 29, 2011

Who will be watching the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton this coming Friday? I am going to have to have the press covered recorded on my DVR. William's parents' wedding, Princess Diana and Prince Charles, was quite an event and as an Event Planner, I do not want to miss seeing this.
On my way into the office this morning, Charles Osgood of CBS News (740 AM) mentioned the fact that an event like this instills the idea in young women of a marrying age that things need to be perfect...possibly at all cost. I have no doubt in my mind that Will and Kate's wedding will be flawless. I couldn't imagine the US spending the country's dollars on the wedding of Malia Ann or Natasha Obama. Could you? In reality and in this economy, an absolute dream wedding just seems a tad bit out of reach for your everyday bride of any age. I think a dream wedding with some modifications is attainable but the bride has to be open-minded. Look, watch, admire but who says you need ALL the bells and whistles and armed guards? Perhaps indulge in a few things. It will still be a beautiful and memorable day.
What wedding detail did you/will you splurge on?
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