I Swear I Lived
"I hope when you jump, you don't fear the fall..." Life has been such an amazing but sometimes challenging journey since I took control of my own happiness. But damnit, I overcame so much and am stronger than ever. Jumping out of a plane was a fear I wanted to put to rest. #DBAP I want to thank my Cugino, my cousin Ron, for the incredible birthday present. I remember being at his bar in San Mateo saying I wanted to do it. Shortly after he texted me to check my email. I was at work, and holy moly, he bought me tickets to go skydiving. I immediately got nervous. For month, I had anxiety over the thought of it. But on D Day just days before, a military vet at the age of 90 did it just because he still could BY HIMSELF! So, there was absolutely no reason to NOT do this jump. It was already paid for and I would never hear the end of it if I chickend out. And I'm glad I didn't. I did however call my dad in Hawaii to tell him I loved him before we were on our wa...