It was a
shake day. I do look forward to the shakes. Water and the shakes definitely keep me full until about 12:30 and then I start to think about food. Today, the office went to Wally's in Emeryville. I so wanted a gyro. They're soo good. I did have both of my snacks today, had a chimichanga for lunch to save money and walked quite a few dogs. I started with a new old lady but she got around alright. She's super tiny so it wasn't that much of a walk for me. I had to turn down two pups because I just can't fit it into my schedule. But good thing I can refer them to someone else.
My newest client |
I started thinking last night about how I was going to maintain how I feel and what I've lost with this cleanse. I posted on a
Facebook group that Sarah had me join and had some great feedback. Like I said, the shakes really do keep my body satisfied so I ordered another pack of the shakes with a goal in mind to keep my eating in check and get back to the gym. I like the schedule that's on my calendar telling me when I should eat and drink and how much. I should incorporate a system post-cleanse come Tuesday. Guess I better throw that on my growing To Do list.
I again didn't make it to the gym today. Work has been draining that I just want to go home. But when I get there, I just want to be productive there too. It's a vicious cycle. I have way too much stuff that I need to get rid of. I have listed furniture on
Craigslist, items on
eBay and
Poshmark, and tried to draw more attention to its availability via Facebook, this blog and
Anyone looking for a veil? Find it on Poshmark. |
I just feel that if I paid for it, I might as well get something back for it. I was considering going shopping for something new just because but it completely defeats the purpose of me trying to minimize what I have because in honestly, I don't need it. I know someone that just loves to shop, and he's a male. If that makes you happy, so be it. I am trying to be financially responsible because I have a goal to own another piece of property relatively soon. However, the market and rates are going up that I'm not sure that will be attainable. Like this cleanse, I'll have set my goal and stay committed to it. I'm on my way.
I have a thing for staircases. Part of my Dream Home board on Pinterest. |
Day 9 tomorrow. My last shake day.
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