I'm A-OK with 6th Place, WAIT 4th Place!
I'd have to disagree with Ricky Bobby's saying of "If you're not first, you're last!" because I'm really liking that my blog posting is the 6th link (out of 1,270 results) to appear when you Google "Rockpango" (The Los Lonely Boys' new album releasing 3/29/11). I just thought it was pretty cool to appear the Top 10 search results when there are so many music-focused sites out there. Check it out!

Traffic to my blog has been growing steadily since it began in July of 2009. I believe this month will have the highest hits ever. Thank you to all that are following and reading, or following me on Twitter! It's much appreciated!
I am open to exchanging links! Perhaps I should highlight a blog/blogger every month in appreciation and commending people for taking advantage of their freedom of speech. Hmmm, who should be my first??
---- UPDATE 1-28-11 ----
My spot increased to the 4th spot with 1,380 results now for 'Rockpango' on Google!

---- UPDATE 2-3-11 ----
Still in 4th spot!
Traffic to my blog has been growing steadily since it began in July of 2009. I believe this month will have the highest hits ever. Thank you to all that are following and reading, or following me on Twitter! It's much appreciated!
I am open to exchanging links! Perhaps I should highlight a blog/blogger every month in appreciation and commending people for taking advantage of their freedom of speech. Hmmm, who should be my first??
---- UPDATE 1-28-11 ----
My spot increased to the 4th spot with 1,380 results now for 'Rockpango' on Google!
---- UPDATE 2-3-11 ----
Still in 4th spot!
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