
Happy Valentine’s Day to you! May you spend today with loved ones.

A special Valentine’s Day for those in an amazing relationship with their partner such as my beautiful Brides and Grooms turned married couples. I hope we celebrate your anniversaries for many years to come.

Contact me to plan your wedding and honeymoon.

While flowers and candy and cards are distributed, don’t forget to love yourself too. Past relationships have served their purpose and hopefully you have learned something from them. Continue to work on you, your happiness and well-being and you can give and love those special people in your life in an effortless way. 

Now, how will you do that?

Personally, I love my life. I am not in a long-term relationship but I have and had a lot of love in my life and I know I am very lucky. It would be wonderful to have a best friend to love and spoil, come home to and join me in all my adventures as a One Busy Bee. If it’s meant to be, the universe will make this person be known and all will work out as it should be. For now, I’m doing me. 

More travel and more yoga poses in fun places to come! I love that.

And take advantage of specials like this Alaska Airlines offer, good for today only! Let me know if I can help!


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